Wrongful Sexual Harassment Claims


John Fagerholm is your definitive resource in tackling challenging wrongful sexual harassment claims faced by California business leaders.

With sharp strategic insights, he fiercely protects both your reputation and financial health. Get the comprehensive, no-nonsense legal guidance you need with John—ensure your business stands secure and strong against any allegations.

As a business owner, you understand the difficulties in following employment laws. Sexual harassment claims are tough. They can disrupt work, cause financial problems, and lead to losing good workers.1 Yet, with the right steps and help from legal experts, you can keep your business safe from these allegations.

In California and the US, employers deal with a tough legal scene. Even if you try hard to follow the rules, you might still face claims from your staff.1 Having a strong employment defense attorney by your side is crucial. They can defend your company, stop false lawsuits, and find ways to win cases or get them dropped.2

Our Process

We recognize how daunting it can feel to navigate the complexities of a sexual harassment claim, especially in California where labor laws are particularly intricate. With over 25 years of dedicated experience in employment law, we’re here not just as your defenders but as your allies, deeply committed to safeguarding the future of your business.

We bring a nuanced understanding of local regulations and an extensive track record in managing these challenging cases. Through personalized strategies crafted uniquely for each client, we aim to proactively manage potential legal issues before they become larger problems. We’re here to support and guide you through every legal challenge with empathy and expertise, ensuring peace of mind along with continued success for your business.

Comprehensive Legal Analysis

Our team conducts a thorough review of the case, analyzing legal arguments, statutes, and regulations relevant to the class action lawsuit to develop a robust defense strategy tailored to the employer's specific situation.

Strategic Defense Planning

We create a strategic plan to challenge claims raised by the employees collectively, aiming to minimize legal and financial liabilities for the employer while protecting their interests and reputation.

Effective Communication and Support

We provide clear communication and dedicated support throughout the legal process, keeping the employer informed and involved at every step to ensure transparency and confidence in our defense efforts.

Proactive Risk Mitigation

Leveraging our expertise in employment law and class action defense, we take proactive measures to mitigate risks, anticipate legal challenges, and navigate the complexities of employee litigation to secure favorable outcomes for the employer.

Sexual Harassment Claims Are DEVASTATING

Two people, including an employer, are discussing a report with colorful charts and graphs while seated at a desk with a laptop.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sexual harassment claims can disrupt your business operations, lead to financial liability, and result in the loss of valued employees.
  • Experienced legal counsel can help you navigate these sensitive issues and protect your company’s interests.
  • Even compliant businesses may face claims from current or former employees, highlighting the need for proactive measures.
  • A skilled employment defense attorney can dissuade meritless litigation and obtain favorable outcomes through strategic approaches.
  • Establishing clear policies, training employees, and fostering a respectful work environment are crucial for preventing harassment.
  • Employment lawyer free consultation available

Understanding Sexual Harassment Claims

Sexual harassment at work falls into two main categories. These are quid pro quo and hostile work environment.3 Quid pro quo is when someone’s job depends on sexual favors or the rejection of them. This can happen with hiring, promotions, or pay.3 On the other hand, hostile work environment means the work setting becomes abusive due to ongoing unwelcome behavior.3

Types of Sexual Harassment

In quid pro quo, a boss might offer or threaten work benefits based on sexual demands.3 In a hostile work environment, there could be off-color remarks, inappropriate touching, or unwelcomed behavior. This can make it hard for an employee to work or feel safe there.3

Potential Consequences for Businesses

Sexual harassment claims can hit companies hard. They might face big legal bills, pay settlements, and damage their good name and team spirit.2 A company could be accountable for lost pay, legal fees, or even punished if it knew but didn’t act on harassment.3 This can disrupt work, push away good workers, and bring on financial strain. It could deeply affect a company’s future.2

So, it’s key for employers to set up strong systems that fight off sexual harassment.3 By creating clear rules against harassment, training all staff, and quickly looking into complaints, companies can lower these risks.3

Establishing Clear Policies and Procedures

Setting up clear rules at work is vital to stop sexual harassment. An anti-harassment policy needs to clearly say no to such actions. It should talk about what kind of behaviors are not allowed and promise protection for those who report it. It must also explain how complaints will be handled and checked.1

Creating an Anti-Harassment Policy

A good policy against harassment should not only cover sex-related issues. It should list other areas like race, age, disability, and more.1 It should give examples to show what is not okay.1 That way, everyone understands the rules. These policies should aim to stop issues before they happen, not just meet rules after a problem starts.1

Training and Communication

Teaching staff the anti-harassment policy regularly and talking openly about what’s right and wrong at work is key. It makes the workplace more respectful and professional.1 As workplace behavior views evolve, policies also need updating to stay effective.1 Staff should feel safe reporting issues, even anonymously. And all complaints need a fair and proper look to protect everyone involved.1

If there’s bad behavior, quick and firm action is a must, even if it’s not legally called harassment.1 These policies should also stop anyone from getting back at those who report issues.1 They should make sure no one faces bad outcomes, including being fired.1

With clear and well-kept policies, and by talking about them and making sure they are followed, workplaces can be safer for everyone.1

Sexual Harassment Business Defense Attorney

Hiring a sexual harassment business defense attorney brings big benefits for companies.1 These lawyers are skilled at handling legal matters for businesses. They know how to prevent weak claims and achieve good outcomes through talks or agreements.4 They work to protect your business by lessening the chance of harassment, handling complaints well, and fighting hard against any legal claims.

Why Hire a Specialized Attorney

Attorneys at places like Pearlman, Brown & Wax, LLP bring almost 40 years of legal success to help you.4 With a team of over 50 experts, they create plans to keep your business safe from harm caused by harassment accusations.4 They really know the laws about harassment, including what’s important in California, and use this to help you.

Protecting Your Company’s Interests

Hiring the right sexual harassment defense attorney is crucial to care for your company.1 They work to prevent harassment with clear policies.1 If issues come up, they handle them well and help reach fair solutions through talks.4 For lawsuits, these attorneys fight hard for your company to get the best results.4

Responding to Complaints

When someone reports sexual harassment, employers should act fast and take the claims seriously.1 They need to talk to the accuser, witnesses, and those accused carefully. Then, they must record everything and be fair during the whole process.1 After checking the facts, they need to decide if the harassment really happened, and if so, they should do something about it.1 Dealing with complaints this way helps the company stay safe and shows they care about their workers.

Taking Allegations Seriously

All harassment reports, even if they seem minor, should be handled seriously by employers.1 This helps create a work climate that’s respectful and safe. Workers then know they can speak up without being scared of what might happen.1

Conducting a Thorough Investigation

It’s key to look into any harassment claim fully.1 This means talking to the people involved and carefully keeping track of what they say.1 Staying fair while investigating is vital for a just outcome.1

Making an Informed Decision

After the investigation, employers must decide if the harassment really occurred and, if needed, take action.1 They should clearly explain their decision, protecting the company and making sure the workers feel heard.1 This careful approach is best for everyone involved.

A man in a white shirt stands with arms crossed and smiles at the camera while three women and one man talk in the background.
A group of four adults in business attire are sitting and talking. One woman with gray hair and glasses is patting a young man on the shoulder. They appear to be in an office setting with wooden paneling.

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The top way to avoid sexual harassment claims is to stop bad actions before they start. Employers should make a place where everyone feels safe and respected. This means saying what’s expected, stopping wrong behaviors right away, and making sure everyone plays fair. By doing this, companies can lower the chance of big lawsuits and keep a good name.3

Fostering a Respectful Work Environment

Making a respectful work space is key in stopping sexual harassment. Bosses need to lay out how people should act professionally. They should really stress respect, no bullying, and that everyone’s welcome. Regular talks about what’s OK and being open can make a place where everyone is brave enough to talk and solve problems.

Addressing Inappropriate Behavior

When bad actions pop up, bosses have to act quick and hard. This shows they’re serious about being respectful. They must look into complaints well, keep records, and act right if they find fault. By making sure everyone faces the music for their actions, businesses can stand up for respect and cut down on harassment risks.2

Stop bad actions early on to protect against sexual harassment claims. By making a good work culture and dealing with wrong behaviors, businesses can keep safe. They keep their employees and their reputation strong.3

The Role of Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is key for businesses. It protects them against employee claims like sexual harassment. This insurance covers legal costs from lawsuits, including attorney’s fees. It also covers court-ordered payments and settlements.5 For small businesses, EPLI is an important shield, keeping them safe from big financial hits of harassment claims.6

Although stopping problems before they start is best, EPLI offers a safety net. It’s for employers wrongly accused or mishandling cases. The market for EPLI, which includes claims of discrimination and unfair firing, is growing fast. It’s expected to hit $2.7 billion by 2019.5 Surprisingly, only a few companies have EPLI.5

Bigger companies face more risks and EPLI’s deductibles are usually higher.5 Yet, smaller companies should also get EPLI. They might face big legal costs without it.5 During discussions on EPLI policies, insurers might let you choose your lawyer. This doesn’t cost more than using the lawyers they appoint.5

EPLI Coverage ConsiderationsDetails
Coverage ScopeEPLI covers various claims. It includes discrimination (like age, race, gender), sexual harassment, and more. It also covers breach of contract, emotional harm, defamation, and privacy violations.6
Policy ExclusionsMost EPLI policies don’t cover breaking certain laws. These laws include the National Labor Relations Act, OSHA guidelines, and more. Claims from criminal acts and privacy intrusions via cyber-attacks are also not covered.6
Policy TypesEPLI comes in two types. You can pick claims-made policies or occurrence basis. Each type handles coverage for incidents in a different way.6
Defense ProvisionsHow EPLI deals with defense can change. Some have a “duty to defend,” and some don’t. This depends on the policy.6

To protect against sexual harassment claims, businesses should take several steps. They should make clear workplace rules, educate managers and staff, and get EPLI insurance. This comprehensive approach helps avoid the hassle and costs of such claims.6

Legal Strategies and Representation

Skilled sexual harassment business defense lawyers use many legal strategies to help their clients. They might talk to the other side early on to stop weak claims from being filed. Or they could try to solve the issues through mediation and settlement talks to avoid costly court battles.7

Mediation and Settlement Discussions

If a case goes to court, these lawyers will defend their clients aggressively. They’re very good at getting the case dismissed or getting a good result for their clients.7 Their smart and determined ways have let many companies not pay and win against sexual harassment claims.7

Defending Against Lawsuits

The law firm Quinn Emanuel has won huge cases, like seven worth over 100 million dollars and 50 that were almost there.7 They’re known for beating lawsuits and getting lots of money back for their clients, over 70 billion dollars’ worth.7

Quinn Emanuel has fought for employers in about 800 cases of sexual harassment, racism, and retaliation. This shows how well they give aggressive representation to help companies.7

Their lawyers have gotten great results, like making L Brands pay 90 million to make changes, getting 35 million for a discrimination case against an Asian-American, and winning 5 million for another client in a short time.7

The firm’s strong approach has also helped in settling cases about race issues, harassement, and retaliation, and in getting asylum for a young woman from Ecuador who faced danger back home.7


To protect against sexual harassment claims, businesses need to act ahead of time. They should set up clear rules and promote a respectful workplace. When complaints come up, they must handle them effectively.8

Having a sexual harassment business defense attorney on board is a huge plus. They can offer smart advice and ways to stop false claims. They are also good at settling issues peacefully or fighting lawsuits hard.8

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is also key. It helps cover the costs that come with harassment charges. Using all of these steps helps businesses stay safe from the trouble and costs of sexual harassment cases.8910


What are the main types of sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment has two main types. The first is quid pro quo harassment. In this type, an employee’s reaction to unwanted sexual advances affects their job. The second is hostile work environment harassment. This involves behaviors that make the work space abusive.

What are the potential consequences for businesses facing sexual harassment claims?

The fallout from sexual harassment claims can hit businesses hard. This includes costs to defend the case, settlements, and even a drop in the company’s name. If found guilty, a business might also have to pay back wages, legal costs, and punitive damages for not stopping the harassment.

How can businesses establish clear policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment?

It’s key for businesses to have clear anti-harassment rules. These should say the company won’t stand for such actions. They also need to explain what harassment is and outline the reporting and investigation process. Regular training and open talks about what’s acceptable at work make for a safer, happier workplace.

Why should businesses hire a specialized sexual harassment business defense attorney?

Getting a lawyer who’s skilled in fighting workplace harassment helps businesses a lot. These lawyers know the ropes and can often stop a lawsuit in its tracks by finding solutions that don’t involve going to court. They make sure your company is doing its best to prevent and handle complaints, thus protecting your interests.

How should businesses respond to sexual harassment complaints?

If a complaint comes in, business owners should act fast and fair. It’s crucial to listen to everyone involved, keep all records straight, and be neutral. Based on the investigation’s results, the company has to make a smart call about what steps to take next. Doing this carefully and fairly is good for the business and its employees.

What can businesses do to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?

Prevention is the best defense. Employers must work to create a place where everyone feels safe and respected. That means setting clear rules, addressing problems when they pop up, and holding workers to high standards. By being proactive, businesses can cut down on harassment and keep their good name.

How can employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) protect businesses from sexual harassment claims?

EPLI is crucial for dealing with harassment and other work-related claims. It helps pay the legal costs of defending against a lawsuit, which can save a business a lot of money. Prevention is still key, but having EPLI offers a safety net for when things go wrong.

What legal strategies can sexual harassment business defense attorneys employ to protect their clients’ interests?

Top lawyers have many strategies up their sleeves. They might talk to the other side early to prevent a lawsuit or try to settle outside court. If it gets to trial, they will fight hard, aiming for a win. With their skills and commitment, they often help businesses come out on top.

Source Links

  1. https://www.eldi.legal/what-we-do/workplace-harassment-investigation-and-defense/
  2. https://employmentdefenselaw.com/sexual-harassment-defense/
  3. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/sexual-harassment-when-you-should-talk-lawyer.html
  4. https://www.pbw-law.com/areas-of-law/sexual-harassment/
  5. https://www.clinewilliams.com/file_download/476635c9-fe52-4c69-9852-4a1d9f1b8691
  6. https://www.iii.org/article/employment-practices-liability-insurance
  7. https://www.quinnemanuel.com/practice-areas/sexual-harassment-employment-discrimination/
  8. https://www.mitchellwilliamslaw.com/investigation-of-employee-harassment-claims
  9. https://www.wmlawyers.com/firm-highlights/publications/simplifying-sexual-harassment-for-clients/
  10. https://kareemlaw.com/what-makes-sexual-harassment-in-the-workplace-illegal-in-california/